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Start with worship.  Take a few minutes to worship. Try not to skip this part. 

Eph 4:31-32, “Get rid of all bitterness….forgive one another, just as God…. has forgiven you.”

There is almost nothing as debilitating to our growth as unforgiveness. 

It robs us of our peace and joy and limits our ability to fully trust and love.  Some of us do not even realize that we have been holding unforgiveness but, for some reason, it seems like there is a wall that separates us from God’s peace and joy.  It is then that we must ask Him to show us who we need to forgive.

Forgiveness is a choice.

Jesus demonstrated perfect forgiveness when He cried out to God on behalf of those who had betrayed Him, beat Him unmercifully, and nailed Him to a cross to die.  He looked down from the cross and He forgave. His crucifixion was cruel, the beatings He received were horrendous, and yet He cried out, “Forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing”.

The way of Jesus is walking in forgiveness.  Matthew 6:14 says, “If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you.  But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.”  Also read Matthew 19:21-35.

Jesus demonstrated that it is possible to forgive those who betray you and it is even possible to forgive people who are torturing you to death. Most of us will never have to experience something that extreme and some of us have had some terrible things done to us.  He told us that to be forgiven, we must forgive others; Jesus was very clear about that.  If you are knowingly holding onto unforgiveness, it will be like a cancer that steals your life from you.  When we choose unforgiveness, we are choosing to reject the freedom for which Christ paid. 

He came to set the captives free; unforgiveness is choosing to live in captivity.


So, walk in the ways of Jesus.  We forgive and forgive quickly. The more quickly we forgive, the easier it becomes.  Don’t say, “let me hold onto this for a little while, I deserve to be upset or mad about this”.  The way of Jesus does not wallow in self-pity and anger. His way chooses freedom, for “His yoke is easy, His burden is light”. 

Questions to Ponder

  1. Is there someone you need to forgive who has hurt or betrayed you?
  2. Is your heart full of joy and at peace? If not, take time to ask the Lord for one thing that is hindering you from walking in joy and peace?
  3. It is one thing to forgive the one who hurt you and another to bless that person. Take a moment to speak out a prayer of blessing over one or two people by whom you have been wronged.


Jesus paid the price for my forgiveness so I choose to forgive those who have wronged and hurt me and this forgiveness sets me free!

 Prophetic Postcards: Category=Send this to a close friend

1. Pick one of the Postcards. 2. Ask Holy Spirit who this is for? 3. Look at the card and ask Holy Spirit for a prophetic word (from Gods heart) or a word of encouragement for them (from your heart). 4. Right click on the image, download to your pictures. 5. Text or email the picture to them with your word. 

 Prayer Video (1 min): After you have forgiven, even as a choice without feelings. Find a quiet place to play this video, opening your heart for Jesus to bring healing rain into your life. 

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