Pliable . The ability to stretch but not break as we are formed into the image of Christ. Stretch, pliable these words make me smile as I remember “stretch Armstrong”. Stretch was a kids toy that was eventually made from silicone. You could stretch him up to four feet and he would not break. The protype had metal coils inside. You can see the problem. Due to safety concerns, they used Karo syrup. In fact, the company executives sent their secretary out to buy up what she could find. They boiled it down and poured it into a latex mold and boom. They had stretch Armstrong. Pliable: I love this word as it speaks about being teachable. To be willing to stretch beyond our comfort zone but not break as we are formed to be like Jesus.
THINK: Websters dictionary defines teachable as capable of being taught, apt and willing to learn. Take a minute and think with the Holy Spirit’s help. Are there areas of my life that I have been unteachable in? Have there been people God has placed in my life that I have been unwilling to learn from? Take a minute to ask God to forgive your unwillingness to be taught and ask for his help to be pliable.
REFLECT: take time to reflect on these quotes
ACTIVATE: The art of listening is a crucial part of being teachable. So here is your challenge. Be an intentional listener today. When you think you know the answer in a group, pause and listen to others. You will be pleasantly surprised at the gold you find in others when we first listen and then share.
PRAY/COMMIT: Proverbs 13:18 tells us, "Whoever disregards discipline comes to poverty and shame, but whoever heeds correction is honored." Lord, help me to be teachable. I desire to live without poverty and shame or any other destructive thing, so I choose to be pliable and teachable to you and those you have placed in my life.”