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Start with Worship:

Thank you Jesus for the blood / Charity Gayle

The Devo:

Proverbs 11:2 “Pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.” NLT

If you have grown up in the church, you have probably heard someone quote Proverbs 16:18, which cautions that pride comes before a fall. We have been warned of that which will befall those who fall into pride. Because of this, it has been thought that to be truly holy you must think yourself terrible and lowly so that you don’t become prideful.

However, if humility is something God wants for His children, then it would only make sense that it is something good and not simply the absence of something bad.

When we continue to look to the scriptures, we see that humility is often paired with wisdom (Prov. 11:2, James 3:13) and honour (Prov 15:33, Prov 18:12). Both qualities are so desirable and often taught, so how is it that humility is regarded so differently? Truthfully, humility is also something to be desired and it will bring much growth to your life.

A humble person can much more easily build relationship with those around them than a proud person because they do not disqualify others from their company.

Neither do they feel that they are so worthless that they disqualify themselves from the company of others. Therefore, they are able to gain wisdom from those to whom they otherwise would not give their time. Additionally, a humble person can experience a wider range of experiences because they are not too proud to fail at something new.

We often miss out on strengthening our character because our pride gets in the way. Jesus himself cared for children, washed feet, helped the sick and the poor, and fed people who were hungry. We often look down on these things because they do not seem that important. In other words, they do not come with recognition.

Our need to be recognized for our work will rob us of the reward of character that comes with hidden tasks. If it is good enough for Jesus, it is certainly good enough for us.

Questions to Ponder:As you reflect on humility, take some time to pray and ask the Lord these questions:

1. How would you rate your level of humility and teachability from 1 to 10? (If you are brave and want a true estimation, ask someone close to you).

2. What opportunities has pride kept me from?

3. What is something that I can do this week to practice humility?

4. Is there an area I can serve and be a blessing to which I have been blind?



I choose to walk in the humility of the Lord which causes me to become more teachable and because of this I overflow with wisdom!

Prophetic Postcards: Category=Send this to a co-worker or a person of your choice

1. Pick one of the Postcards. 2. Ask Holy Spirit who this is for? 3. Look at the card and ask Holy Spirit for a prophetic word (from Gods heart) or a word of encouragement for them (from your heart). 4. Right click on the image, download to your pictures. 5. Text or email the picture to them with your word. 

Prayer Video (1 min):  Find a quiet place to play the video below. Ask the Holy Spirit, in what areas Pride has crept into your life?

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