Philippians 4:4 Be cheerful with joyous celebration in every season of life. Let your joy overflow! TPT
Is your life as a Christian as joyful and full of celebration as you thought it would be at this point? Did you think there would be more of both, and now you are left to wonder why that is not the case? Life is not fair. If you let it, it will wear you down and leave you feeling empty and lost.
That is your choice, but so is choosing to be joyful and to celebrate.
Where do you start? I believe it is important, whenever you start something, to start small and, in the case of realizing more joy in your walk, micro small. I love a good surprise birthday party and the joy that is present when the lights are turned on and the birthday person realizes the room is filled with the people they love smiling back at them and singing happy birthday. In the coming year, I invite you to realize that kind of celebration several times every day.
Before you suggest that it is impossible to do so, I also invite you to think small – very small. Start now.
Celebrate with me that God gave us eyes to see the letters on this page and minds to process them as we read. That is worth celebrating! Thinking much smaller, even, we might choose to celebrate the toothpick. That little piece of whittled wood has saved me hours of frustration after an enjoyable meal has left me something between a tooth and a hard spot. Oh, the joy! Celebrate that toothpick! Have you ever imagined how different underwear would be without an elastic band! Celebrate that little band!
A recurring theme that surfaces throughout any discussion pertaining to joy and celebration is gratitude.
It is with a grateful heart that we can recognize even the smallest sources of joy in our lives, which leads to greater celebration as we become more acutely aware of them. In our home we have adopted a daily practice that I hope you will consider trying with your family this year. Each evening before anyone begins to eat, we take turns going around the table so each member can share one thing that they are thankful for that day.
Daily thanksgiving leads to greater awareness of the goodness that surrounds us, and awareness is what joy is all about.
Let us celebrate, for God has given us this beautiful day!
Questions to Ponder
Fasting: Take a minute to consider and ask Holy Spirit, if you will fast this coming week.
I have overcome the destination disease! I can and will be content and joyful now!
Prophetic Postcards: Category=Send this to a Church friend
1. Pick one of the Postcards. 2. Ask Holy Spirit who this is for? 3. Look at the card and ask Holy Spirit for a prophetic word (from Gods heart) or a word of encouragement for them (from your heart). 4. Right click on the image, download to your pictures. 5. Text or email the picture to them with your word.
Prayer Video (1min):
Find a quiet place and contemplate all the things or people you could celebrate with Joy.